Category: Current Posts
Direct Debit
We are now able to offer direct debit options for payments of your water and taxes on a monthly basis.
How it works:
- Provide your banking information by “void” cheque or banking form available from your bank.
- Pick the date your account will be debited on the 15th or 30th of the month
- Pay your water bill monthly – $95.60.
Many ways to pay – Direct Debit, cheques, cash, debit, E-transfer (keep it simple – answer to security question is “Radisson”), and credit card (2.75% cost recovery fee applies)
REMINDER – Pet Registration
Reminder – Pet licenses are due
Cat and Dog licenses are $25.00
Spayed or neutered $15.00 (proof of spay or neuter required)
A license renewal is $10.00
Let’s Talk Trash
No Garbage in Recycle Bin – that includes grass clippings, used clothing etc – Please check our website under the “Town Services” tab for what is acceptable and what isn’t. All items must be placed in the cart – not beside.
Carts go on the street – wheels to curb – this allows for easy pick up by the truck and please, do not over load. The truck may be able to pick it up but the bottom will fall out of your cart!
If your container cannot be picked up due to unacceptable material, over weight/filled etc, a tag will be placed on your cart and the problem will need to be addressed before the next pick up date.