CoVid-19 Policy

Effective July 11, 2021, The Council of the Town of Radisson hereby implements the following
policy with regards to maintaining it’s employees, Council Members’, and the public‘s safety now
that the CoVid19 restrictions have been lifted in their entirety:

1. Social Distancing will continue to be maintained within the municipal buildings knows as: the

“Shop” building(s), the “Office” building, and the “Recycling building(s).

2. When unable to Social Distance the recommended distance of 2 metres between

persons, masks are encouraged to be worn.

3. When a Council Meeting is in session and a distance of 2 metres cannot be


a) persons attending in the Chambers must maintain social distancing as designated

by the placement of chairs.

b) a maximum of eight (8) members of the public will be allowed in Chambers in order to

avoid crowding.

c) delegates will be reduced to two (2) persons attending in the chambers for the duration of their
appointment only.

4. Persons in charge of other municipally owned buildings may implement their own CoVid19 policy if

they so desire.

Dated this 9th day of July, 2021.  (PDF)